Playing the piano is rewarding, not only for the relaxation it provides, but also for the sense of accomplishment, confidence, and stress release if offers. However, for many adults, it can feel frivolous to take the time to play the piano. With so many other responsibilities calling, it can be easy to go weeks—or longer—without sitting down to play.

In this article, we discuss ideas for helping motivate yourself to play the piano more often.

How to Motivate Yourself to Play Piano More Frequently

Whether you already have a piano sitting in your home gathering dust or are in the market for a new piano, you may be worried that you won’t be able to make time to play.

It’s common to talk about how to encourage your child to practice piano more often, but what if you’re trying to motivate yourself? Here are some tips for helping yourself find more time to play the piano.

Create a Schedule

One of the easiest ways to encourage yourself to play piano more often is to create a schedule to do so. Whether you want to play once or twice a week or every day, plan a time where you are consistently free, then commit that time to playing piano. Consider it a “meeting” with yourself that you can’t miss; soon it will become routine and feel easier to sit down and play.

Take Lessons

If you haven’t taken lessons in a while, starting back up can be a good motivator for regularly practicing piano. As adults, we’re more likely to be motivated by an obligation or expectation that includes others, such as a piano teacher. For even more motivation, consider group lessons where you’re encouraged to play with and perform for others.

Join a Group

Connect with other musicians or piano enthusiasts online or in-person. This can be a good way to connect with other musicians, share your successes or challenges, and even find times to collaborate with others. Jam sessions, duets, or virtual performances can be a fun way to motivate yourself to play piano more often as an adult.

Set a Goal

Define clear and achievable goals for your piano playing, such as learning a specific song, mastering a new technique, or improving your sight-reading skills. Having specific objectives can give you a sense of purpose and progress. You can even have a little fun with it, such as learning to play 3 or 4 new Christmas songs for the holiday season.

Watch Live Performances

Watching live piano performances, whether in person or online, can be inspiring and can reignite your passion for playing. Watch performance styles you know and love, but consider also occasionally seeing a performance or watching a recording of a new musical style. Who knows, you may find something new you’re excited to discover!

Play for Your Toddlers

If you’re a new-ish parent, playing piano may have fallen by the wayside as your family responsibilities started to grow. One way some parents combat this is by having weekly or bi-weekly “dance parties” with their kids where they play the piano and encourage their children to dance along. While you could learn your child’s favorite songs, this is just as effective with your favorite music.

Involve the Whole Family

Encourage family involvement. Whether it’s organizing a mini recital at home or having family members join in for a musical jam session, making piano playing a family activity can add an element of joy.

Try Something New

When all else fails, incorporate something new into your piano playing routine. Choose a new piano book, new style of music, sheet music for your favorite song, or even an app or online video (think TikTok music challenge) you haven’t tried before.

Final Thoughts

Remember that the key is to make piano playing an enjoyable part of your routine rather than a chore. Experiment with different approaches until you find what works best for you.